How to Drink Moonshine

How to Drink Moonshine

 Moonshine is a tasty whiskey drink that was first brewed during the prohibition era in the United States. Now, you can buy moonshine at most liquor stores in a variety of different flavors, and some people still make their own at home. If you want to drink one of the most powerful liquors ever made, you can make mixed drinks with moonshine or simply drink it straight with a chaser.

Adding Mixers to Moonshine

  1. Image titled Drink Moonshine Step 1
    Combine moonshine and cola for a classic drink. Since moonshine is a form of whiskey, you can easily make one of the most popular and tasty alcoholic beverages. Add your preferred amount of ice to a tall glass. Then, pour 2 shots of moonshine and 12 oz (335 mL) of cola over the ice for a cool drink.
    • Some moonshines have a cola taste to them due to the flavor of distilled corn, so this can make for an even sweeter drink.
  2. Image titled Drink Moonshine Step 2
    Mix a can of light beer with a shot of moonshine for a boozy cocktail. Add 1 shot of moonshine into the bottom of a glass. Then, choose a lager or a light ale, and pour 12 oz (350 ML) of the beer into the glass. You can add ice for a cooler drink, or enjoy it without ice.

    Tip: Combine a lemon- or blueberry-flavored moonshine with any light beer for an extra refreshing, fizzy drink in the summer.

  3. Image titled Drink Moonshine Step 3
    Add ginger ale to moonshine to take some of the bitterness out of the alcohol. Put a shot of any flavor of moonshine into a highball glass with ice. Then, pour 12 oz (335 mL) of ginger ale into the glass over the ice. Taste the drink to see if it’s acceptable, and add more ginger ale until you reach a suitable taste.
    • You should always use non-alcoholic ginger ale, rather than a ginger beer, if you want to make a weaker drink. The alcohol in ginger beer can actually make the moonshine taste stronger.
  4. Image titled Drink Moonshine Step 4
    Make Tennessee-style iced tea with moonshine, iced tea, and lemonade. Mix together equal parts iced tea and lemonade to make an Arnold Palmer. Then, combine that with 1 part moonshine in a glass filled with ice. Be sure to stir the mixture thoroughly to ensure that it’s evenly combined.
    • You can also add 2-3 mint leaves and a wedge of lemon as a garnish for this refreshing beverage.

Drinking Moonshine Straight

  1. Image titled Drink Moonshine Step 5
    Drink water after you drink moonshine to stay hydrated. Alcohol can make your body dehydrated, especially high-proof alcohol like moonshine. Drink water in between every alcoholic beverage, even if you drink whiskey often. When you finish your moonshine drink, have a full glass of water before having another.
    • You can drink flavored water, like coconut water or a flavored sports drink, if you don’t like the taste of plain water.

    Did You Know?

    In Thailand, traditional herbal moonshine is known as "ya dong." Shots of ya dong are served with a small glass of water, a piece of fruit, and a few pickled olives.

  2. Image titled Drink Moonshine Step 6
    Chase moonshine with a drink of pickle juice to relieve the burning. The alcohol taste of straight moonshine can leave your throat burning after just a small drink. Keep a glass of pickle juice nearby to counteract the burning by taking a drink of the juice after each drink of moonshine.
    • This can be especially helpful if you never drink whiskey since the saltiness of the pickle juice neutralizes the burn of the alcohol.
    • You can use any kind of pickle juice or brine that you have available.
  3. Image titled Drink Moonshine Step 7
    Pour smaller drinks to avoid a nasty hangover. Depending on what kind of moonshine you’re drinking, it may contain trace amounts of chemicals that can be harmful if ingested in large quantities. Even in small quantities, they can cause terrible headaches and discomfort. To prevent this, make "half shots" of moonshine, or only take small sips from your glass to pace yourself.
    • Keep in mind that illegally-distilled moonshine can contain very large amounts of methanol, which can cause blindness or even death if ingested.


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