Laptops are embraced because of the technological tools they offer combined with their portability. Not only are they becoming more popular for home use, but many schools are starting to incorporate them into their classrooms as well. Several advantages exist for students using laptops, including more efficient and detailed note taking, faster writing and editing, and convenient group work and study. Laptops offer these advantages to students no matter what their grade or age.
More Efficient Note Taking
Taking notes by hand can be time-consuming and taxing on your hand. When students have laptops, they can type their notes directly into a document. Electronic note taking is both faster and more flexible. Digital note taking allows students to index and organize their study material automatically, quickly search for information by keyword and share notes with other students. Digital notes can be stored and backed up so they are not lost -- unlike paper notes -- which may become destroyed or lost. While students can take notes on a desktop computer at home, only a laptop allows them to take notes when they are in class, where they receive much of their information. Notes can then be accessed at any time or place since the laptop is portable.
More Options for Writing and Editing
Laptops can help students write papers more easily as well. Typing can make the writing process go faster, and the tools in word processing software make it easier for students to edit their work. By writing on laptops instead of a desktop computer, students can work at home, in the library or during work time in class. A project to give students laptops in the classroom in Maine resulted in an increase in student writing achievement, according to The National Writing Project. Eighty percent of students in the project said they would rather use their laptop to do their work and were more likely to edit their work using their laptop. In addition, 75 percent said that laptops helped them to be better organized, while 70 percent said laptops helped them improve the quality of their work.
Facilitates Group Work
Group work is integral to student success. Students who learn how to work in a team and benefit from the strengths of other students in the group learn material in a new way. Laptops facilitate group work by allowing students to meet at any location -- whether it's a library, school room or a student's home -- and access all the materials they may need, including classroom notes, journal articles, online research or software for creating videos, slide shows or other items they may need for presentations. Wherever students have access to the Internet, they can also easily share files with one another.
Accessibility and Connectivity
One of the biggest advantages of laptops is that they allow students to access information wherever they can get an Internet connection. With more places offering free Wi-Fi, getting an Internet connection is easier than ever. This accessibility allows students to study whenever they have the time -- no matter where they are. Greater access to notes and educational tools like education programs and websites can improve student performance in the classroom.
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